Online Ante League Winter 2022

Ok, here we go, this winter will be the Online Ante League for Winter 2022. Register Here: Dates 30 January to 28 February 2022, 6 Rounds over 4 weeks. Deck Construction Constructed decks must contain a minimum of 60 cards (no maximum deck size; however, you must be able to shuffle your deck withContinue reading “Online Ante League Winter 2022”

Inaugural A41.5 League Organizer’s Report

Introduction The inaugural A41.5 league was held from the 2nd of December 2020 to 22 December 2020. The league consisted of 8 players and thus 3 rounds of ante goodness. There were no significant issues with the current rule set, however expect 1 major and some minor changes to happen that were born from theContinue reading “Inaugural A41.5 League Organizer’s Report”

A41.5…yet another new Old School format

After the Inaugural League, the rules for online ante and what to do when you run out of sideboard cards because you lost them all to ante are updated as below. The old rule is strikethrough and the new rule is in bold Ok so here’s another “new” format for online and hopefully in personContinue reading “A41.5…yet another new Old School format”

Corona Cup Organizer’s Report

Introduction The Inaugural Corona Cup was held over a three week period from 29 March to 21 April. The tournament featured the PAC rules set and two-pod weeks with a cut to top 8. A total of 17 players from across the US participated with a suggested donation entry fee of $10. The tournament primarilyContinue reading “Corona Cup Organizer’s Report”